Can ChatGPT4 generate IFC models? [round 1: solely on its own]

ChatGPT is an AI model created to work with language. It understands and generates natural language content, such as messages, articles, or descriptions. It is pretty good also in other “languages”, such as programming code. After all, both natural languages (e.g., English, Mandarin) and programming languages (e.g., C#, Python) have their own logic, conventions, and rules. These can be learned by an AI model.

And what about the IFC schema? Isn’t it a “language” as well?

Based on text? Yes. Logic, conventions, and rules? Yes. Publicly available on the Internet, so GPT had a chance to learn it? Yes.

So maybe ChatGPT “speaks” also IFC?

In this post we will perform a chatting experiment to find out: Can ChatGPT generate IFC models?

(impatient? The experiment conclusions are here.)


There are many ways of working with ChatGPT (or, generally with Large Language Models). This time, we will try the easiest path, especially for the user. We will rely solely on GPT “knowledge” and its iteration capabilities.

I will ask ChatGPT to create a simple model containing one concrete column (2 meters high, square cross-section 0.3 meters wide, located at point (0,0,0)).

Then, I will copy the generated IFC schema generated, save it as a “.ifc” file, and check the model in a viewer (Xbim Xplorer).

If the viewer throws errors when opening the model, I will send them to ChatGPT, so it can iterate. I will also inform GPT if there are other types of issues, that can be spotted in the viewer (such as geometry not shown).

BUT I will not provide GPT any “expert” guidance, examples, or IFC documentation. Just errors and visible issues to iterate. I will act as an “IFC newbie” and see if GPT can work everything out on its own.

For this experiment, I am using ChatGPT4 (gpt-4-turbo).

Let’s start.

Iteration #1 – the first prompt and model
I want you to prepare a complete, valid schema for a simple IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) model. The model should contain only one concrete column, which should be 2 meters high with a square cross-section 0.3 meters wide. The column should be located at point (0,0,0).

Creating a basic IFC schema for a single column involves specifying several entities and their relationships. The IFC schema is quite comprehensive, but for the purpose of your request, I will focus on the essential elements needed to define a simple column with the specified attributes in an IFC file format.

IFC Schema Outline for a Simple Column
Header Section: Defines the metadata, such as file schema, application details, and authoring details.
Data Section: Describes the actual building elements and their relationships, including the project, site, and the single column.
Below is a basic example of what the IFC schema might look like for a single concrete column:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#4=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#3,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#20),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#3,'Default Site',$,$,#11,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#3,'Default Building',$,$,#11,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#3,'Ground Floor',$,$,#11,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#17=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#3,'Concrete Column',$,$,#11,$,$,.COLUMN.);

Explanation of Key Elements:
Header Section: Provides basic file metadata.
#5 IFCPROJECT: Root project data.
#6 IFCSITE: Site definition.
#8 IFCBUILDING and #10 IFCBUILDINGSTOREY: Building and storey definitions.
#11 IFCLOCALPLACEMENT and #12 IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D: Defines the placement in 3D space.
#13 IFCCARTESIANPOINT: Origin point (0,0,0) for the placement.
#17 IFCCOLUMN: The column entity.
#19 IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID: Defines the extrusion for creating a column.
#20 IFCSQUAREPROFILEDEF: Profile definition for the square cross-section.
#28 IFCMATERIAL: Material assigned to the column.
This schema provides a simple structure and should be adapted or expanded based on specific project requirements or to include more sophisticated details such as physical and thermal properties.

We certainly have a promising answer. At first glance, there are some spottable issues, like short GUID numbers. But generally, it seems ChatGPT does “speak IFC”. How fluently?

Following our experiment rules, I have copied the schema, saved it as a “.ifc” file, and tried to open it in Xbim Xplorer viewer. The result: 11 errors.

Now, we will give ChatGPT a chance to correct the errors.

Iteration #2 – correcting errors
I have tried to open the model in an IFC viewer, but there are some errors. The errors are below. Please, refine the model to be valid.

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #3 IFCOWNERHISTORY, error at parameter 1-OwningUser value = #1=IFCPERSON

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #3 IFCOWNERHISTORY, error at parameter 2-OwningApplication value = #2=IFCORGANIZATION

ERROR Xbim.IO.Memory.MemoryModel
Error in file at label 20 for type IFCSQUAREPROFILEDEF - type is unknown

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #26 IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE, error at parameter 3-Representations value = #19=IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #30 IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION, error at parameter 1-ContextOfItems value = #25=IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE

WARN Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #20 is referenced but could not be instantiated

WARN Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #20 is referenced but could not be instantiated

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #19 IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID, error at parameter 2-Position value = #21=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D

WARN Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #23 is referenced but could not be instantiated

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #24 IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION, error at parameter 1-ContextOfItems value = #25=IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE

WARN Xbim.ModelGeometry.Scene.Xbim3DModelContext
GeomScene: Xbim3DModelContext [Unable to find any Geometric Representation contexts in this file, it is illegal and does not comply with IFC 2x2 or greater]

It seems there are a few issues with the initial schema provided. I'll address each reported error by refining the IFC model to ensure it conforms to the IFC4 standard, which should resolve the parsing errors you encountered.

IFCOWNERHISTORY must reference valid entities: The reference to the owning user and application needs to be corrected.
Unknown type for IFCSQUAREPROFILEDEF: We need to specify the profile type correctly.
Problems with geometric context and representation contexts.
Here is a corrected version of the IFC schema:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#4=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#3,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#20),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#3,'Default Site',$,$,#11,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#3,'Default Building',$,$,#11,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#3,'Ground Floor',$,$,#11,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#17=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#3,'Concrete Column',$,$,#11,$,$,.COLUMN.);

Key Corrections:
#20 IFCSQUAREPROFILEDEF changed to #20 IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF with the correct square profile type.
Entity Reference Corrections: Corrected the improper references where there were issues about referencing shapes and materials.

As ChatGPT commented itself, it was able to correct IfcOwnerHistory or replace non-existing IfcSquareProfileDef with a proper IfcRectangleProfileDef.

Is the model valid now? Not yet. Result: 10 errors.

There is an improvement. Let’s try again.

Iteration #3
ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #29 IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION, error at parameter 1-ContextOfItems value = #25=IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #3 IFCOWNERHISTORY, error at parameter 1-OwningUser value = #4=IFCAPPLICATION

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #3 IFCOWNERHISTORY, error at parameter 2-OwningApplication value = #7=IFCRELAGGREGATES

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #5 IFCPROJECT, error at parameter 8-RepresentationContexts value = #20=IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #19 IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID, error at parameter 2-Position value = #21=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #20 IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF, error at parameter 3-Position value = #23=IFCCARTESIANPOINT

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #24 IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION, error at parameter 1-ContextOfItems value = #25=IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #28 IFCMATERIALDEFINITIONREPRESENTATION, error at parameter 3-Representations value = #30=IFCPOLYLINE

WARN Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #33 is referenced but could not be instantiated

WARN Xbim.ModelGeometry.Scene.Xbim3DModelContext
GeomScene: Xbim3DModelContext [Unable to find any Geometric Representation contexts in this file, it is illegal and does not comply with IFC 2x2 or greater]

It looks like there are still a few issues related to incorrect references and definitions within the IFC schema. Let's address each error systematically:

Errors with IFCOWNERHISTORY: The ownership and application references need correction.
IFCPROJECT representation contexts and IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID position errors: Need correct referencing for geometrical contexts.
Errors with shape representations and material definitions: We'll correct the references to shape and material representations.
Here is the revised schema that should address these issues:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#3=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#16),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,$,.COLUMN.);

Corrections made:
#3 and #4: Corrected IFCOWNERHISTORY to refer to IFCPERSON and IFCAPPLICATION.
#5: Updated IFCPROJECT to reference a valid geometric representation context (#16).
#22: Corrected IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID to properly reference its position

Referring to “corrections made”, not all the conclusions are proper. #16 is not a geometric representation context, but IfcAxis2Placement3D. Nonetheless, let’s check the progress.

Validation result: 3 errors.

Significant improvement (at least in the number). Let’s try another round.

Iteration #4
ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #4 IFCOWNERHISTORY, error at parameter 1-OwningUser value = #1=IFCPERSON

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #5 IFCPROJECT, error at parameter 8-RepresentationContexts value = #16=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D

Thank you for your patience. Let's address the latest error reports to correct the schema:

OwningUser value in IFCOWNERHISTORY: The OwningUser should reference an IFCPERSONANDORGANIZATION entity instead of directly referencing an IFCPERSON.
Incorrect Description Value in IFCMATERIALDEFINITIONREPRESENTATION: This parameter should be either a description string or omitted if not used.
RepresentationContexts value in IFCPROJECT: The RepresentationContexts should reference a collection of IFCGEOMETRICREPRESENTATIONCONTEXT entities, not IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D.
Here's a revised version of your IFC schema:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#9=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,$,.COLUMN.);

Key Corrections:
#4: Corrected OwningUser to use IFCPERSONANDORGANIZATION.
#29: Corrected the description field error by providing appropriate parameters.
This update should resolve the errors and provide a schema that parses successfully in your IFC viewer.

Validation result: 2 errors.

Getting closer.

Iteration #5
ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #17 IFCRELAGGREGATES, error at parameter 6-RelatedObjects value = #10=IFCRELAGGREGATES

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #21 IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE, error at parameter 6-RelatingStructure value = #10=IFCRELAGGREGATES

The errors indicate that there are issues with how the aggregates and containment relationships are structured. In the IFC model, the IFCRELAGGREGATES and IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE should refer to valid structural entities like IFCBUILDINGSTOREY, IFCBUILDING, or IFCSITE, rather than other aggregate entities.

Here's a revised version of the problematic parts of your IFC schema to resolve these errors:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#17=IFCRELAGGREGATES('3Fsd8Ds',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Relating to building, aggregates storeys
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,$,.COLUMN.);
#21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('6HnJ678',#4,$,$,(#20),#9); // Relating to the correct storey

Key Corrections Made:
#10 and #17: Adjusted IFCRELAGGREGATES to properly aggregate from site to building and building to storey, ensuring logical structural relationships.
#21: Adjusted IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE to correctly contain the column within the IFCBUILDINGSTOREY, which is the logical place for a column to be related

GPT started to add comments to the IFC code (e.g., //Relating to the correct storey after #17). The comments cannot be processed by the viewer, so I had to delete them. However, after deleting the comments, we have a small success.

There are no errors when opening the model. It took 5 iterations to achieve a valid schema. Sure, it’s not a “one-click solution, but still, I think this is impressive.

However, the valid schema does not mean the model is completely proper…

There are two issues:

  • The spatial view shows only “Single Column Project” with no further objects,
  • The column geometry is not visible.

In the next iteration, we will ask GPT to resolve this. But now, let’s analyze what would be the solution.

First thing, the spatial hierarchy. Our current IFC schema has such entities defining relations:

  • #10=IFCRELAGGREGATES(‘2Gts235’,#4,$,$,#6,(#8)); – it aggregates IfcBuilding (#8) to IfcSite (#6)
  • #17=IFCRELAGGREGATES(‘3Fsd8Ds’,#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); – it aggregates IfcBuildingStorey (#9) to IfcBuilding (#8)
  • #21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE(‘6HnJ678’,#4,$,$,(#20),#9); – it aggregates IfcColumn (#20) to IfcBuildingStorey (#9)

We miss one crucial relation – IfcSite to IfcProject. It can look like this:

Second thing, missing geometry.

Let’s examine IfcColumn:
20=IFCCOLUMN(‘5gGh467′,#4,’Concrete Column’,$,$,#12,$,$,.COLUMN.);

It is placed (#12) but lacks its product definition shape. The product definition shape is defined in the model (#26), just not stated in the IfcColumn. Let’s fix that:
20=IFCCOLUMN(‘5gGh467′,#4,’Concrete Column’,$,$,#12,#26,$,.COLUMN.);

These fixes made the model proper. Therefore, GPT is actually one entity (IfcRelAggregates linking IfcProject with IfcSite) and one attribute (adding #26 as the product definition shape of IfcColumn) from success. Let’s check if GPT can correct this. Following our experiment rules, we won’t provide any expert guidance, just our observations.

Iteration #6
The model has a valid schema now, there are no errors when opening it. However, I see two issues:
1) The spatial view shows only "Single Column Project" with no further objects
2) The column geometry is not visible

Great to hear that there are no schema errors now! Let's address the issues you're experiencing with the visibility of the column and the structure in the spatial view.

The issues you described can arise due to a few reasons:

Spatial Structure Not Properly Defined: The relationship that organizes the site, building, and storey under the project may not be detailed enough to show in some viewers.
Geometric Representation Contexts and Shapes Are Not Properly Linked: If the geometric representation context is not properly defined or linked, the shapes (like our column) might not be visualized.
Here is a revised schema that aims to enhance the visibility of both the spatial structure and the column geometry:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCRELAGGREGATES('2Gts235',#4,$,$,#5,(#6)); // Project aggregates site
#17=IFCRELAGGREGATES('3Fsd8Ds',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Building aggregates storey
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,$,.COLUMN.);
#21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('6HnJ678',#4,$,$,(#20),#9); // Column contained in storey

#20.Representation=#27; // Linking the column representation


Key Changes:
#20 (IFCCOLUMN): Explicitly linked the column to its geometric representation (#27 IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE).
#11 (IFCGEOMETRICREPRESENTATIONCONTEXT): Ensured that the geometric context is properly defined and used for all representations.
These changes should help in visualizing the column correctly in the IFC viewer and allow the structural hierarchy to be displayed properly.

Unfortunately, not. IfcProject is still not linked to IfcSite. Also, GPT tried a surprising thing:
#20.Representation=#27; // Linking the column representation

The idea is good. But the implementation invalid. Due to that, we have 9 errors when opening the file.

Let’s give GPT another chance.

Iteration #7
ERROR Xbim.IO.Parser.Scanner
Illegal character found at line 51, column 0
Syntax error, unexpected IDENTITY, expecting ENDSEC, or ENTITY, or error

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Stack is empty

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Stack is empty

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Stack is empty

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Stack is empty

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Stack is empty

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Stack is empty

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Stack is empty

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #22 IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID, error at parameter 2-Position value = #24=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #23 IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF, error at parameter 3-Position value = #25=IFCCARTESIANPOINT

It appears that there are a couple of issues in the model due to syntax errors and some misplacement in entity attributes. Let's correct these issues:

Syntax Error at Line 51: This might be due to an incorrect line in the IFC schema that's not part of the actual syntax, such as an out-of-context comment or incorrect command.
Errors with IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID and IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF: These errors suggest that the position references for these entities are incorrect or not properly defined.
Here's a corrected version of the IFC schema, addressing these specific issues:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCRELAGGREGATES('2Gts235',#4,$,$,#5,(#6)); // Project aggregates site
#17=IFCRELAGGREGATES('3Fsd8Ds',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Building aggregates storey
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,$,.COLUMN.);
#21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('6HnJ678',#4,$,$,(#20),#9); // Column contained in storey


Key Corrections:
General Syntax: I removed an extraneous line that might have caused the syntax error.
#22 (IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID): Ensured the position (#16) is defined correctly as an IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D which is necessary for extrusion direction.
#23 (IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF): Position (#24) is now clearly defined as IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D.
Please try loading this revised schema into your IFC viewer. This adjustment should fix the syntax and referencing errors and improve the visibility of the column and the spatial structure.

After this iteration, we are back to the previous state of limited success: schema is valid (no errors on opening the file), but there are the same two issues:

  • The spatial view shows only “Single Column Project” with no further objects,
  • The column geometry is not visible.

Another try.

Iteration #8
The model has a valid schema now, there are no errors when opening it. However, I see two issues:
1) The spatial view shows only "Single Column Project" and "Default Site"
2) The column geometry is not visible

Given that the schema is valid but the spatial structure and column visibility remain problematic, let's focus on ensuring that:

The hierarchy of spatial elements is correctly defined and contains all necessary layers such as the site, building, and storey.
The geometric and visual representation of the column is properly linked and defined so that it appears in the viewer.
Let’s make adjustments to ensure that the building and the storey are properly visible in the spatial structure, and that the column's geometric representation is correctly linked to make it visible:

Revised IFC Schema

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCRELAGGREGATES('2Gts235',#4,$,$,#5,(#6)); // Project aggregates site
#17=IFCRELAGGREGATES('3Fsd8Ds',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Building aggregates storey
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,$,.COLUMN.);
#21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('6HnJ678',#4,$,$,(#20),#9); // Column contained in storey

// Make sure the column is linked to its representation


Spatial Structure: Confirmed that #6 IFCSITE, #8 IFCBUILDING, and #9 IFCBUILDINGSTOREY are correctly organized under #5 IFCPROJECT via #10 and #17 IFCRELAGGREGATES. This should make them visible in the spatial structure if the IFC viewer supports this hierarchy.
Column Visibility: Added a line #20.Representation=#27; at the end to explicitly connect the column (#20) to its geometric representation (#27). This should ensure that the column's geometry is rendered in the viewer.
Please try loading this updated schema into your IFC viewer and check if the spatial structure is correctly displayed and the column becomes visible.

We are stuck. Once again, GPT tried with #20.Representation=#27, which is invalid.

As GPT keeps making the same mistakes, it seems there is no point in continuing the experiment on the same rules (sending just errors and observations).

The experiment conclusions (but not yet the end)

The conclusions are mixed. There are some “no”s, some “yes”es, and some “but”s.

  • Did GPT create a valid IFC model at once, with the first prompt?
    No. There were errors. But I still think the output was impressive. Even containing errors, it actually was an IFC model created solely from the GPT’s “knowledge and memory”.
  • Did GPT create a valid IFC schema?
    Yes! Iteration 5 brought a schema with no errors when opening the model. But, it does not mean the success was complete, because…
  • Did GPT create a complete model?
    No. Even with a valid schema, the model was not complete: the spatial hierarchy contained only the IfcProject and the column geometry was not visible (even though the geometry was created in the model, it was not linked with IfcColumn). It was close: iteration 5 lacked only one IfcRelAggregates and one attribute change. However, GPT was not able to correct this.

So, can GPT create IFC models solely on its own? Almost.

Breaking the rules: let’s try a bit of guidance.

After concluding the experiment, let’s try breaking the rules. We will continue, providing GPT a bit more guidance than just errors and observations.

Below is the whole remaining conversation.

This causes errors:

// Make sure the column is linked to its representation

Can you code this information differently?

The line #20.Representation=#27; is indeed not valid in the IFC schema syntax. It looks like I included a code-like syntax that does not conform to the IFC format. In IFC, relationships and properties must be declared using the proper entities and formats defined by the IFC standard.

To properly link the column to its representation, you would typically embed this within the creation of the IFCCOLUMN entity itself or link it through another appropriate entity that defines the shape and its placement. Let's correct this by explicitly setting the representation directly within the IFCCOLUMN entity definition.

Here’s how you can properly set the representation of the column in the IFC schema:

Corrected IFC Schema

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCRELAGGREGATES('2Gts235',#4,$,$,#5,(#6)); // Project aggregates site
#17=IFCRELAGGREGATES('3Fsd8Ds',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Building aggregates storey
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,#27,$);
#21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('6HnJ678',#4,$,$,(#20),#9); // Column contained in storey


Key Adjustments:
#20 IFCCOLUMN: Now includes #27 (IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE) as part of its declaration. This links the geometric representation directly within the column's definition rather than attempting an unsupported syntax post-declaration.
Please use this updated schema to ensure that the column is properly linked to its geometric representation and check if it resolves the visibility issue in your IFC viewer.

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #20 IFCCOLUMN, error at parameter 8-Tag value = #27=IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #22 IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID, error at parameter 2-Position value = #24=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #23 IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF, error at parameter 3-Position value = #25=IFCCARTESIANPOINT

Thanks for the updates on the errors. It looks like there are a few more corrections needed in the way some entities are defined and referenced.

Addressing the Errors:
IFCCOLUMN Representation Misplaced:
The representation of a column is specified using the Representation attribute, not the Tag attribute. The Tag attribute typically holds an identifier or a label as a string.
IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID Position Incorrectly Referenced:
The position of an extruded area solid should be an instance of IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D, not IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D. This defines the orientation and location for the extrusion.
The position attribute in IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF should also be an IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D, correctly placed to define the orientation of the profile in 2D space.
Here is a revised section of your IFC schema that should correct these errors:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCRELAGGREGATES('2Gts235',#4,$,$,#5,(#6)); // Project aggregates site
#17=IFCRELAGGREGATES('3Fsd8Ds',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Building aggregates storey
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,#27,$);
#21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('6HnJ678',#4,$,$,(#20),#9); // Column contained in storey


Adjustments Made:
#20 (IFCCOLUMN): Correctly set the Representation as a part of the column's attributes.
#22 (IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID): Ensured it references #16 which is correctly IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D.
#23 (IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF): Correctly positioned with #24 which is IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D.
Please use this updated schema to address the recent issues and see if it resolves the visibility and referencing problems in your viewer.

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #20 IFCCOLUMN, error at parameter 8-Tag value = #27=IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE

It appears there's still an issue with how the Representation for the IFCCOLUMN is being assigned in the IFC schema. The mistake likely originates from trying to assign the representation directly in the parameter list for the IFCCOLUMN, which is incorrect.

The correct approach is to define the Representation using the IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE separately, then reference this shape in the column declaration. Here's how to properly link the column to its geometric representation:

Ensure the representation (IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE) is defined first.
Link the representation to the column by setting the Representation attribute of the IFCCOLUMN correctly.
Here is the corrected approach for defining the IFCCOLUMN and its representation:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCRELAGGREGATES('2Gts235',#4,$,$,#5,(#6)); // Project aggregates site
#17=IFCRELAGGREGATES('3Fsd8Ds',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Building aggregates storey
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,$,$);
#21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('6HnJ678',#4,$,$,(#20),#9); // Column contained in storey

# Link the representation to the column


There is an issue with the schema view: it contains only "Single Column Project" and "Default Site".

To ensure the spatial structure is visible in the IFC viewer, including the building and storey levels, it's crucial to verify that all the relationships between these spatial elements are correctly defined. It sounds like the hierarchy might not be properly established or recognized by the viewer. Let’s refine the IFC schema to clearly define the hierarchical relationships and ensure visibility across all levels.

Revised IFC Schema
In the schema, each spatial structure element (project, site, building, and storey) needs to be clearly linked through aggregation relationships (IFCRELAGGREGATES). Additionally, we must ensure that all necessary attributes are correctly populated.

Here’s how the refined schema should look, emphasizing the correct aggregation and containment:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCRELAGGREGATES('2Gts235',#4,$,$,#5,(#6)); // Project aggregates site
#17=IFCRELAGGREGATES('3Fsd8Ds',#4,$,$,#6,(#8)); // Site aggregates building
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,$,$);
#21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('6HnJ678',#4,$,$,(#20),#9); // Column contained in storey

# Link the column to its representation

# Properly define the aggregation of building to storey
#35=IFCRELAGGREGATES('4Efs8Fs',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Building aggregates storey

Key Points in the Revised Schema:
Aggregations Correctly Defined: Ensuring that the building is linked to the site and the storeys to the building with proper IFCRELAGGREGATES entities.
Containment Relationships: The column is contained within the building storey through IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE.
Geometric Contexts: Ensuring that the geometric contexts are correctly defined and linked.
This setup should make the entire hierarchy visible within the IFC viewer, showing the project, site, building, and storey, with the column properly represented within its storey.

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #22 IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID, error at parameter 2-Position value = #24=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #23 IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF, error at parameter 3-Position value = #25=IFCCARTESIANPOINT

The errors indicate there are still issues with how the position attributes are defined for the IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID and IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF. Let's correct these issues:

The Position attribute should be an instance of IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D, not IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D. This defines the orientation and starting point for the extrusion in 3D space.
The Position attribute for IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF should correctly be an IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D to define its orientation in the 2D profile space. It appears that the reference to #25 IFCCARTESIANPOINT is incorrect or not adequately defined as IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D.
Let's correct these definitions in your IFC schema:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCRELAGGREGATES('2Gts235',#4,$,$,#5,(#6)); // Project aggregates site
#17=IFCRELAGGREGATES('3Fsd8Ds',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Building aggregates storey
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,$,$);
#21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('6HnJ678',#4,$,$,(#20),#9); // Column contained in storey
#24=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D(#18,$); // Corrected to use the point as the location for 2D placement
#25=IFCCARTESIANPOINT((0.0,0.0)); // Used in the 2D placement

Adjustments Made:
#22 IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID: Now uses #16 (corrected IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D for extrusion).
This should resolve the errors concerning the placement parameters in IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID and IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF. Please reload this schema in your IFC viewer to check if these corrections address the visibility issues of the column and the hierarchical structure.

There are no errors, but the spatial view contains only "Simple Column Project" and "Default Site", again. Could you fix only the spatial view issue, being cautious not to cause errors?

To address the visibility of the entire hierarchy in the spatial view (including the building and storey) in the IFC schema, let's ensure that all aggregation and containment relationships are clearly and correctly defined. The goal is to ensure that these relationships are recognized by the IFC viewer and correctly display all structural elements from the project level down to the individual components like columns.

Refined IFC Schema for Spatial Structure Visibility
This schema revision focuses on correctly defining the relationships between Project, Site, Building, and Storey, making sure each level is properly aggregated and contained within its parent structure.

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCRELAGGREGATES('2Gts235',#4,$,$,#5,(#6)); // Project aggregates site
#17=IFCRELAGGREGATES('3Fsd8Ds',#4,$,$,#6,(#8)); // Site aggregates building
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,#27,$);
#21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('6HnJ678',#4,$,$,(#20),#9); // Column contained in storey

# Ensuring Building is properly aggregated within the Site
#35=IFCRELAGGREGATES('4Efs8Fs',#4,$,$,#6,(#8)); // Site aggregates buildings

# Ensuring Storey is properly aggregated within the Building
#36=IFCRELAGGREGATES('5Gtj9Gt',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Building aggregates storeys

Key Adjustments:
Clarified Aggregation:
#10=IFCRELAGGREGATES correctly aggregates the Site under the Project.
#35=IFCRELAGGREGATES and #36=IFCRELAGGREGATES ensure that the Building is aggregated under the Site and the Storey under the Building, respectively.
This schema ensures that the entire hierarchy from the project down to the building storey is defined and aggregated properly, which should make them visible in the IFC viewer, assuming the viewer supports and recognizes these elements according to the IFC standard. This careful setup aims to maintain the error-free status while addressing the visibility issue.

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #20 IFCCOLUMN, error at parameter 8-Tag value = #27=IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #22 IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID, error at parameter 2-Position value = #24=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #23 IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF, error at parameter 3-Position value = #25=IFCCARTESIANPOINT

It appears that the previous corrections to position attributes were not properly implemented. I'll address these issues again more carefully:

IFCCOLUMN - The error is due to a misplacement of attributes. The Tag parameter should not be used to link the Representation. The correct approach is to ensure that Representation is defined within the structure of the IFCCOLUMN.
IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF - The Position should also be defined with an IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D. The error occurs because the reference is incorrectly pointing to an IFCCARTESIANPOINT.
Let's correct these issues:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,#26,$);

# Ensuring Building is properly aggregated within the Site
#35=IFCRELAGGREGATES('4Efs8Fs',#4,$,$,#6,(#8)); // Site aggregates buildings

# Ensuring Storey is properly aggregated within the Building
#36=IFCRELAGGREGATES('5Gtj9Gt',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Building aggregates storeys


Corrections Made:
#20 IFCCOLUMN: Changed to use #27 (the correct entity for representation).
#22 IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID: Now properly uses #16 which is IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D for the position attribute.
#23 IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF: Fixed the Position to use #24, which is now correctly IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D based on #25 IFCCARTESIANPOINT.
This schema should resolve the visibility issues and correct the positional attributes without introducing new errors. Please try using this updated schema in your IFC viewer to see if it correctly displays all structural elements.

My spatial view schema has all the elements, but the issue is, some are doubled. We have one "Single Column Project" and one "Default Site" but two "Default Building" and their childs.

It sounds like there's an issue with duplicate aggregation entries, which could be causing the "Default Building" and its child entities to appear twice in your IFC viewer. This often happens when aggregation relationships are defined more than once or incorrectly set up to include the same entities multiple times.

To address this, let's ensure that the aggregation relationships for the building and its storeys are defined precisely once, without duplication. We'll also verify that each level is structured properly to maintain a clear and unique hierarchy.

Revised IFC Schema to Prevent Duplication
Here's an updated schema that checks and corrects any potential duplicate entries in the aggregation relationships:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCRELAGGREGATES('2Gts235',#4,$,$,#5,(#6)); // Aggregates site under project
#17=IFCRELAGGREGATES('3Fsd8Ds',#4,$,$,#6,(#8)); // Aggregates building under site
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,#27,$);
#21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('6HnJ678',#4,$,$,(#20),#9); // Column contained in storey


Key Points:
Aggregates Only Once: Each level (project, site, building, storey) is aggregated exactly once to ensure no duplication occurs. For example, #10 and #17 are careful to only aggregate their immediate children once.
Singular Relationships: Ensured that each structural element is contained or aggregated correctly without any repetition or overlapping aggregations that could cause duplicates.
This structure should help ensure that the hierarchy is displayed correctly without duplicates in your IFC viewer. Please reload this schema and check if it resolves the issue with duplicated buildings and storeys.

Now, the schema view has "Single Column Project", "Default Site", and "Default Building". It still lacks some elements.

If the building storey is still missing in the spatial view, we need to ensure that all components, especially the storeys within the building, are properly linked and recognized by the IFC viewer. The absence might be due to the aggregation not being properly represented or recognized. Let’s re-examine and clarify the aggregation relationships to ensure each element is visible and correctly structured.

Revised IFC Schema with Explicit Storey Aggregation
Here's an updated version of the schema that explicitly includes the storey within the building aggregation, ensuring it's properly visible:

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#10=IFCRELAGGREGATES('2Gts235',#4,$,$,#5,(#6)); // Project aggregates site
#17=IFCRELAGGREGATES('3Fsd8Ds',#4,$,$,#6,(#8)); // Site aggregates building
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,#27,$);
#21=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('6HnJ678',#4,$,$,(#20),#9); // Column contained in storey

# Ensuring Building is properly aggregated within the Site
#35=IFCRELAGGREGATES('4Efs8Fs',#4,$,$,#6,(#8)); // Site aggregates buildings

# Ensuring Storey is properly aggregated within the Building
#36=IFCRELAGGREGATES('5Gtj9Gt',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Building aggregates storeys



Key Adjustments:
Re-checked the Aggregation Links: This schema reconfirms that the Building is aggregated under the Site, and each Storey is aggregated under the Building without overlapping or missing references.
Geometric and Representation Links: These have been re-checked to ensure all entities are properly defined and linked.
This adjustment should correct any issues related to missing elements in the spatial structure. Please reload this schema in your IFC viewer to see if it resolves the visibility issues completely.

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #22 IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID, error at parameter 2-Position value = #24=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #23 IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF, error at parameter 3-Position value = #25=IFCCARTESIANPOINT

It looks like the previous corrections to the IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID and IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF position attributes were not correctly applied. Let’s correct these specifications to ensure that the position attributes are properly defined:

IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID: Needs an IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D for defining its position in a 3D space, not IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D.
IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF: Should use an IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D for defining its position in a 2D space. The reference to a simple IFCCARTESIANPOINT is incorrect for the position attribute as it should be wrapped in an IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D.
Corrected IFC Schema with Proper Position Definitions

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
'IFC Application',

#5=IFCPROJECT('3CsDfg8',#4,'Single Column Project',$,$,$,$,(#11),$);
#6=IFCSITE('2rFdb12',#4,'Default Site',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#7=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'1.0','IFC Application','AppIdentifier');
#8=IFCBUILDING('3rdf234',#4,'Default Building',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#9=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('4fdG5d4',#4,'Ground Floor',$,$,#12,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,#27,$);
#22=IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID(#23,#16,#19,2.0); // Correct position using 3D placement
#24=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D(#25,$); // Correct position using 2D placement


Key Corrections:
#22 IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID: Now uses #16 for its position, which is an IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D.
These corrections should resolve the errors related to the positioning of the IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID and IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF. Please try using this updated schema in your IFC viewer to verify that all structural elements appear correctly without duplication or missing elements.

We still have two issues. Try to resolve them, but do not provide the whole schema, but only fixes.
1) Building storey is not related with building
2) There is a problem with IfcColumn.
ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #20 IFCCOLUMN, error at parameter 8-Tag value = #27=IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE

Maybe the parameter is at the wrong position? There is a fragment from the IfcColumn documentation.

Attribute inheritance
# Attribute Type Cardinality Description G
1 GlobalId IfcGloballyUniqueId Assignment of a globally unique identifier within the entire software world. X
2 OwnerHistory IfcOwnerHistory ? Assignment of the information about the current ownership of that object, including owning actor, application, local identification and information captured about the recent changes of the object,
NOTE only the last modification in stored - either as addition, deletion or modification.
IFC4 CHANGE The attribute has been changed to be OPTIONAL.
3 Name IfcLabel ? Optional name for use by the participating software systems or Me:s. For some subtypes of IfcRoot the insertion of the Name attribute may be required. This would be enforced by a where rule. X
4 Description IfcText ? Optional description, provided for exchanging informative comments. X
HasAssignments IfcRelAssigns
@RelatedObjects S[0:?] Reference to the relationship objects, that assign (by an association relationship) other subtypes of IfcObject to this object instance. Examples are the association to products, processes, controls, resources or groups. X
Nests IfcRelNests
@RelatedObjects S[0:1] References to the decomposition relationship being a nesting. It determines that this object definition is a part within an ordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object occurrence or type can only be part of a single decomposition (to allow hierarchical strutures only).
IFC4 CHANGE The inverse attribute datatype has been added and separated from Decomposes defined at IfcObjectDefinition.
IsNestedBy IfcRelNests
@RelatingObject S[0:?] References to the decomposition relationship being a nesting. It determines that this object definition is the whole within an ordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object or object type can be nested by several other objects (occurrences or types).
IFC4 CHANGE The inverse attribute datatype has been added and separated from IsDecomposedBy defined at IfcObjectDefinition.
HasContext IfcRelDeclares
@RelatedDefinitions S[0:1] References to the context providing context information such as project unit or representation context. It should only be asserted for the uppermost non-spatial object.
IFC4 CHANGE The inverse attribute datatype has been added.
IsDecomposedBy IfcRelAggregates
@RelatingObject S[0:?] References to the decomposition relationship being an aggregation. It determines that this object definition is whole within an unordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object definitions can be aggregated by several other objects (occurrences or parts).
IFC4 CHANGE The inverse attribute datatype has been changed from the supertype IfcRelDecomposes to subtype IfcRelAggregates.
Decomposes IfcRelAggregates
@RelatedObjects S[0:1] References to the decomposition relationship being an aggregation. It determines that this object definition is a part within an unordered whole/part decomposition relationship. An object definitions can only be part of a single decomposition (to allow hierarchical strutures only).
IFC4 CHANGE The inverse attribute datatype has been changed from the supertype IfcRelDecomposes to subtype IfcRelAggregates.
HasAssociations IfcRelAssociates
@RelatedObjects S[0:?] Reference to the relationship objects, that associates external references or other resource definitions to the object.. Examples are the association to library, documentation or classification. X
5 ObjectType IfcLabel ? The type denotes a particular type that indicates the object further. The use has to be established at the level of instantiable subtypes. In particular it holds the Me: defined type, if the enumeration of the attribute PredefinedType is set to ME:DEFINED.
IsDeclaredBy IfcRelDefinesByObject
@RelatedObjects S[0:1] Link to the relationship object pointing to the declaring object that provides the object definitions for this object occurrence. The declaring object has to be part of an object type decomposition. The associated IfcObject, or its subtypes, contains the specific information (as part of a type, or style, definition), that is common to all reflected instances of the declaring IfcObject, or its subtypes.
IFC4 CHANGE New inverse relationship, change made with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
Declares IfcRelDefinesByObject
@RelatingObject S[0:?] Link to the relationship object pointing to the reflected object(s) that receives the object definitions. The reflected object has to be part of an object occurrence decomposition. The associated IfcObject, or its subtypes, provides the specific information (as part of a type, or style, definition), that is common to all reflected instances of the declaring IfcObject, or its subtypes.
IFC4 CHANGE New inverse relationship, change made with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
IsTypedBy IfcRelDefinesByType
@RelatedObjects S[0:1] Set of relationships to the object type that provides the type definitions for this object occurrence. The then associated IfcTypeObject, or its subtypes, contains the specific information (or type, or style), that is common to all instances of IfcObject, or its subtypes, referring to the same type.
IFC4 CHANGE New inverse relationship, the link to IfcRelDefinesByType had previously be included in the inverse relationship IfcRelDefines. Change made with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
IsDefinedBy IfcRelDefinesByProperties
@RelatedObjects S[0:?] Set of relationships to property set definitions attached to this object. Those statically or dynamically defined properties contain alphanumeric information content that further defines the object.
IFC4 CHANGE The data type has been changed from IfcRelDefines to IfcRelDefinesByProperties with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
6 ObjectPlacement IfcObjectPlacement ? Placement of the product in space, the placement can either be absolute (relative to the world coordinate system), relative (relative to the object placement of another product), or constraint (e.g. relative to grid axes). It is determined by the various subtypes of IfcObjectPlacement, which includes the axis placement information to determine the transformation for the object coordinate system. X
7 Representation IfcProductRepresentation ? Reference to the representations of the product, being either a representation (IfcProductRepresentation) or as a special case a shape representations (IfcProductDefinitionShape). The product definition shape provides for multiple geometric representations of the shape property of the object within the same object coordinate system, defined by the object placement. X
ReferencedBy IfcRelAssignsToProduct
@RelatingProduct S[0:?] Reference to the IfcRelAssignsToProduct relationship, by which other products, processes, controls, resources or actors (as subtypes of IfcObjectDefinition) can be related to this product. X
PositionedRelativeTo IfcRelPositions
@RelatedProducts S[0:1] X
8 Tag IfcIdentifier ? The tag (or label) identifier at the particular instance of a product, e.g. the serial number, or the position number. It is the identifier at the occurrence level. X
FillsVoids IfcRelFillsElement
@RelatedBuildingElement S[0:1] Reference to the IfcRelFillsElement Relationship that puts the element as a filling into the opening created within another element. X
ConnectedTo IfcRelConnectsElements
@RelatingElement S[0:?] Reference to the element connection relationship. The relationship then refers to the other element to which this element is connected to. X
IsInterferedByElements IfcRelInterferesElements
@RelatedElement S[0:?] Reference to the interference relationship to indicate the element that is interfered. The relationship, if provided, indicates that this element has an interference with one or many other elements.
NOTE There is no indication of precedence between IsInterferedByElements and InterferesElements.
IFC4 CHANGE New inverse relationship.
InterferesElements IfcRelInterferesElements
@RelatingElement S[0:?] Reference to the interference relationship to indicate the element that interferes. The relationship, if provided, indicates that this element has an interference with one or many other elements.
NOTE There is no indication of precedence between IsInterferedByElements and InterferesElements.
IFC4 CHANGE New inverse relationship.
HasProjections IfcRelProjectsElement
@RelatingElement S[0:?] Projection relationship that adds a feature (using a Boolean union) to the IfcBuildingElement. X
ReferencedInStructures IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure
@RelatedElements S[0:?] Reference relationship to the spatial structure element, to which the element is additionally associated. This relationship may not be hierarchical, an element may be referenced by zero, one or many spatial structure elements.
IFC2x3 CHANGE The inverse attribute has been added with upward compatibility for file based exchange.
HasOpenings IfcRelVoidsElement
@RelatingBuildingElement S[0:?] Reference to the IfcRelVoidsElement relationship that creates an opening in an element. An element can incorporate zero-to-many openings. For each opening, that voids the element, a new relationship IfcRelVoidsElement is generated. X
IsConnectionRealization IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements
@RealizingElements S[0:?] Reference to the connection relationship with realizing element. The relationship, if provided, assigns this element as the realizing element to the connection, which provides the physical manifestation of the connection relationship. X
ProvidesBoundaries IfcRelSpaceBoundary
@RelatedBuildingElement S[0:?] Reference to space boundaries by virtue of the objectified relationship IfcRelSpaceBoundary. It defines the concept of an element bounding spaces. X
ConnectedFrom IfcRelConnectsElements
@RelatedElement S[0:?] Reference to the element connection relationship. The relationship then refers to the other element that is connected to this element. X
ContainedInStructure IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure
@RelatedElements S[0:1] Containment relationship to the spatial structure element, to which the element is primarily associated. This containment relationship has to be hierachical, i.e. an element may only be assigned directly to zero or one spatial structure. X
HasCoverings IfcRelCoversBldgElements
@RelatingBuildingElement S[0:?] Reference to IfcCovering by virtue of the objectified relationship IfcRelCoversBldgElement. It defines the concept of an element having coverings associated. X
9 PredefinedType IfcColumnTypeEnum ? Predefined generic type for a column that is specified in an enumeration. There may be a property set given specificly for the predefined types.
NOTE The PredefinedType shall only be used, if no IfcColumnType is assigned, providing its own IfcColumnType.PredefinedType.
IFC4 CHANGE The attribute has been added at the end of the entity definition.

Thank you for providing the detailed attribute structure for the IfcColumn. Based on the error and the provided attribute information, it seems that the placement of the Representation attribute was indeed incorrect. Let’s address both the mentioned issues:

1. Correcting the IfcColumn Representation Attribute Placement
For IfcColumn, the Representation attribute (based on the standard IFC schema) should be the seventh attribute in the sequence, not the eighth. Here’s the adjustment for defining the IfcColumn:

#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,$,#27); // Correct position of the Representation attribute
2. Ensuring Building Storey is Properly Aggregated Under Building
To correctly aggregate the storey under the building, you should ensure the IfcRelAggregates is properly defined to link the building and its storeys. Here's the correction:

#35=IFCRELAGGREGATES('4Efs8Fs',#4,$,$,#8,(#9)); // Ensure storey is aggregated under the building
This adjustment in the IfcColumn definition corrects the parameter order, placing the Representation attribute correctly as per the IFC schema. Additionally, by adjusting the aggregation relationship, the building storey should now appear correctly under the building in your spatial structure view. These changes should ensure the schema adheres more closely to the IFC standard and resolves the errors without introducing new ones.

Spatial view is correct. But still issue with the column:

ERROR Xbim.IO.Step21.XbimP21Parser
Entity #20 IFCCOLUMN, error at parameter 8-Tag value = #27=IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE

Do you have another idea? Are you sure "#27" is in the correct place?

Given the persistent error with the IfcColumn, it seems there has been a misunderstanding about the correct placement of the Representation attribute. The error message indicates that the issue is related to how the attribute is being handled. Let’s review the IFC documentation for IfcColumn and align it properly.

The IfcColumn inherits Representation from IfcProduct, and the Tag attribute, which is specific to elements derived from IfcElement (like IfcColumn), is placed after the Representation. Here’s the correct approach to structure the IfcColumn entity:

Correct Placement for IfcColumn
The Representation attribute should indeed be the seventh parameter, which I previously placed incorrectly. The Tag attribute, where errors are shown, is actually an optional attribute for labeling and should be the last parameter. The confusion might have stemmed from incorrectly placing Representation or mislabeling the attributes. Let’s correct the placement of Representation:

#20=IFCCOLUMN('5gGh467',#4,'Concrete Column',$,$,#12,#27,$,$); // Seventh parameter is for Representation, and tag (eighth) left as $ if not used
Here, #27 should properly reference IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE that defines the shape or representation of the column. The Tag attribute follows Representation and should be the last parameter. If it’s not used, it can be set as $ (an unset or optional field in IFC).

This fix assumes that the IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE defined as #27 is correctly formulated elsewhere in your IFC data. You need to make sure that #27=IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE($,$,(#26)); where #26 should be your IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION.

This correction should resolve the parsing error for IfcColumn in your IFC viewer. Please adjust the definition accordingly and check if this resolves the issue.
The end (of this round)

It took some iterations to get there, but, eventually, with expanded guidance, ChatGPT was able to find and correct its mistakes. Sure, the schema could be cleaner or better organized. But it is a common issue, also when exporting IFC models from modeling software.

Referring to the experiment’s conclusions stated before: even though GPT did not generate the complete model, it was able to create a valid schema and was really close to complete success. So, interesting capabilities are there. It opens a field for more experiments.

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