The AECO Evolution

About the digital journey of Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations.

Want to join the digital journey of AECO?

Join The AECO Evolution Newsletter to stay updated with the ongoing technological evolution.

Ideas, concepts, news. AI, digital twins, BIM, modern tools.

Always with practicality in mind.

I’m Kamil Korus, author of The AECO Evolution blog and newsletter.

I always wanted to build, so I became a civil engineer.
It turned out that building things that help build others gives me even more joy, so I became a civil engineering software developer.

Revit Mastery
A platform transforming Revit Users into Revit Programmers of the Future.
C# + Revit API + Artificial Intelligence.

We transform AI research into practical, easy-to-use AI tools for AECO.

The AECO Evolution blog & newsletter
About the digital journey of Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations.
We discuss AI, digital twins, BIM, and modern tools. Always with practicality in mind.

PhD in digital twins of bridges
Silesian University of Technology, Poland, with internship at Arizona State University, USA.
I explored the concept of digital twins with AI, BIM, visual programming, and point clouds.

BIM practitioner and software developer
I have experienced industrial practice from different perspectives, working as a software developer, BIM modeler, and digital twin expert. I have worked with software providers (Autodesk, CADmost, BIMind) and core-engineering companies (Strabag, Ischebeck Titan, Digital Engineering Solutions). I know the union of research and real-life engineering has huge potential.

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Want to join the digital journey of AECO?


Join The AECO Evolution Newsletter to stay updated with the ongoing technological evolution.

Ideas, concepts, news. AI, digital twins, BIM, modern tools.

Always with practicality in mind.

